Updated December 11, 2019.
What if I am on firmware 3.69 to 3.73?
Hencore2 is now out and this allows users to install Henkaku (hack the Vita) on 3.69+. However, the hack is not permanent on firmwares over 3.65. Therefore, you will have to reapply the hack after every shutdown but leaving it in sleep mode is fine. Some of the hacks in this guide might not work on firmware 3.69+.
Why do I Need to Downgrade from 3.69+, I thought I Hacked my Vita?
Hencore2 is a temporary solution, you need to downgrade because not every hack works on 3.69 or higher.
Can I Still Log Into PSN and Use Remote Play After Hacking my Vita?
Yes, these features still exist after the Vita has been hacked. All you need is to spoof your firmware to 3.73 in HENkaku settings.
Will my PSN Account Get Banned?
There have been no reported user bans from Sony. However, don’t do something silly such as using cheats when playing online or syncing your account with fake trophies. For peace of mind, create a new PSN account for your hacked Vita.
What is HENkaku?
An app that lets you run hacks/mods on your Vita, but disappears when you turn off your system. You must load HENkaku again when you turn on the PS Vita (putting the Vita into sleep mode will not cause HENkaku to disappear). Available on all firmwares starting on 3.60.
What is Enso?
Enso automatically loads HENkaku every time you turn on your vita. You can turn off your Vita without HENkaku disappearing. Available on firmware (or system update) 3.60 and 3.65. Think of it as a permanent hack.
What is H-Encore?
A new hack released on July 1, 2018 that allows users on the official Sony firmware of 3.65, 3.67, and 3.68 to install HENkaku (see guide here). Those on 3.65 WILL be able to install Enso.
What if I am on firmware 3.67/3.68?
You will need to launch H-Encore every time you turn off your Vita or you can downgrade the Vita to 3.60 or 3.65 (guide here) to install Enso.
What is the best firmware to be on?
3.60 is said to be the best because of how easy it is to install Enso and being the firmware with the most compatibility with all the hacks out there. However, the benefits are very minimal between 3.60 and 3.65. If you don’t mind loading HENkaku every time or leaving your Vita on sleep mode, then being on 3.67 or 3.68 will be fine. It is highly recommended to downgrade if you are on higher firmware.
What is NoNpDrm?
NoDpDrm are the official PS Vita game files but with fake licenses generated. The NoDpDrm plugin will allow you to install these games, please see my guide here for the installation. It is highly recommended to have NoDpDrm game files. Games from NoPayStation and PKGj are NoDpDrm files.
What are NoPayStation and PKGj?
NoPayStation is an app designed for users to download games, DLCs, updates, and themes on their PC or Mac and then transferred over to the PS Vita. These downloads come from users who have actually uploaded the downloads to Nopaystation for everyone’s enjoyment. This provides a safe and fast way to get what you want. Please see my guide here to install NoPayStation.
PKGj is NoPayStation on the PS Vita, where users can download directly from their Vita what they need. Since the PS Vita WiFi is being used, downloads will be much slower. Please see my guide here to install PKGj.
I moding my psvita but is not full moding how I will know it full moding may I know.
Everything you installed on the Vita will stay after a shut-down or reset if you installed ENSO.
Hi I was wondering what is the best hack to install on my PSVITA to be able to use PSP iso files? And which guide should I follow? Would I be able to still play my original downloaded VITA games? Is getting the SDV2 Adapter a good idea to increase storage when hacking to play iso files? My current firmware is 3.63.
Thanks !
Hi there is only one “hack” and that is Henkaku. You want to be on firmware 3.60 or 3.65 because that allows you to install ENSO, which allows the hack to stay on the Vita. Without ENSO, Henkaku will disappear after a restart or shut down. Since you are on 3.63, there are two things you can do to hack the Vita. You can upgrade to 3.73 and then downgrade to 3.60 or 3.65, you can use my guide https://psvitamod.com/modoru-downgrade-the-ps-vita/ to downgrade.
Second option is to download the 3.65 firmware and have finalhe install it to your Vita so you can update straight to 3.65, I don’t have a guide for that but this site does here. Up to you on how you want to proceed but the easiest way to install Henkaku on the Vita is to be on 3.60.
You can still access PSN and should be able to access your downloaded games on PSN.
SD2Vita is the only option to increase storage and it is definitely worth it because once hacked you basically have access to whichever Vita/PSP/other emulators you want. See my guide https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/ for that.
To me, and it is debatable, but the best way to play PSP iso is to install Adrenaline and you can use my guide <https://psvitamod.com/emulators/ for that.
Feel free to ask more questions about your PS Vita hacking journey!
Successfully jailbroken vita & installed SD2vita for my vita1000. I have 2 other sony memory cards and was wondering if I would be able to transfer data from these memorycards onto the larger sd card OR if I can still play games which are installed on said memorycards. Is it possible to switch between uma0 and ux0 ? Thanks.
Great to hear! Are you transferring over your games and saves? Probably better to just download the games, if you are getting your saves I believe they are found in ux0:user/00/savedata and you might have to modified the saves if it is under a different PSN.
Gotcha. And would I also need to place the custom firmware files on said sd cards to transfer the data or no need?
Yes you would since the original Vita has no internal storage.
I recently followed a video guide on jailbreaking the vita (I have the 1000). Everything was working perfectly fine up until I tried to setup SD2Vita. The data wasn’t showing up when I came to copy my files onto a newly formatted sdcard so I restarted my vita. Now every time I connect it to my pc, my pc says that my drive (referring to vita) needs to be formatted or that it requires fixing. At one point the henkaku settings weren’t even showing up on the settings app. It also won’t let me connect with my pc via vitashell unless I have a game card in the slot.
I’m not sure what went wrong or why this is happening when just a few minutes prior everything was working smoothly.
See my reply in my install MicroSD page at https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/ since you asked there as well.
I’m new PS Vita Owner, and i want to hack it to use som homebrew app, emulators etc. I also want to play my physical games. Is it possible? I have 1104 model and 8GB SD card. Is it possible to install all required files for henkaku on that sd card, and use sd2vita as external memory? My Vita have 3G module. I know that there is some device, which can be install instead of 3G module, but not sure if i want to make any hardware integration
There is only way to have both physical games and sd2vita simultaneously and that is to remove the 3G module and buy the PSVSD. Otherwise you will have to take out the sd2vita adapter and plug in your physical games. It much more convenient to just go complete digital.
I just got my OLED 1000 Vita today. It came on 3.73. Im gonna downgrade and hack it but will I still be able to play my Vita games I have on saved on my PS3 to still copy them over? Or is there a better way to play any Vita game once hacked? Sorry im new thanks 4 any info
You can still access PSN but Nopaystation or pkgj would be the place to look.
Hello there. I was wondering if I need to install h-encore onto my 32gb memory card after I have performed the modding process on my 8gb memory card.
I have recently used h-encore, vitashell and enzo to mod my ps vita 1000 model (the fat OLED model). I did the modding on my 8gb memory card and after I swapped over to my 32gb memory card (this is the card with all my games and save data on it), the only issue h-encore, vitashell and enzo are not showing on my vita when I have the 32gb card in. The vita system is showing it is modded with the HENkaku settings.
You should be able to just copy and paste everything on your 8GB card over to the 32GB, make sure to have view hidden folders enabled. See step2 on this guide for more info: https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/
My modded ps vita is linked to another psn and when I try to deactivate it it says it did but still won’t let me log in to my psn account is there anything I can do without erasing everything ?
Have you heard of a this,https://github.com/yifanlu/psvimgtools. Is there any chance you could do a tutorial for it? The online tutorials I find do not explain near enough on what you need to do. I would like to deyrypt a save game.
I have only used it to restore Vitashell in my guide https://psvitamod.com/vitashell/, however it seems like you want to use it to edit PS Vita save files, like cheats?
No I want to decrypt my Content manager backups so they will work on the hacked Vita. I just want to know how to decrypt a save file for. Also When I open the program it will not stay open adn just keeps closing on its own. It has not been updated for a few years, so that could be a reason.
Can you physically access your saves on the PC? There is a program to decrypt saves, I made a guide a while ago here: https://psvitamod.com/saves/
If I insert a physical game with my ps vita that have henkaku enso, will it ruin the physical game?
No you can still play physical games as long as you are not using SD2Vita.
Im using sd2vita, so is there no way to play the physical games anymore?
Unfortunately no, not without taking out the sd2vita. If you have a PS Vita 1000 with the 3G slot, you can buy and install a PSVSD, it is basically replacing the 3G slot with a game slot.
I recently bought a hacked vita it’s on HENkaku spoofed version 3.65 the guy gave it to me on airplane mode and said to never connect it to WiFi but It won’t let me remote play and I’m afraid of putting in WiFi is it safe to connect it to WiFi or not ?
Also my vita software is 3.60
Also my vita has enso I just want to know if I can’t connect it to the internet the guy who sold it to me told me to never connect it and also it has someone else’s psn
Sproof it to 3.73 and then try these steps: https://psvitamod.com/block-update-notifications/. Going online is fine, and even if you accidentally update you can always downgrade to any firmware you want.
How do I spoof it? Sorry new to this
Also once I connect it to the WiFi Can I log in to my PlayStation account or will that mess everything up
You can spoof your firmware by going to settings/ Henkaku Settings/ Spoofed Version. Then put in 3.73, and yes it is fine to log into your PSN account.
This have any full moding may ask.
when i launch hencore when using auto h-encore 2, i get a white screen every time.
when i try to use finalhe, it won’t download bittersmile (sha256sum mismatch).
how can i get this to work? running 3.73, 1st gen vita.
I read for some people it can take 30+ tries, how often have you been reopening Hencore2?
I’ve done it so many times I can’t even count. I made a 23 second timelapse of me trying to do it (it ends when the cord moves): https://ibb.co/PcK2FzC
Sadly this is a known problem with the 3.73 version of the hack. To get around this hold the R button down untill the menu appears. I to get a reset a fair amount of times and holding down the R button makes it load.
I have never encountered this issue, so sorry I couldn’t be of more help but this is very good to know. Thanks for chipping in!
I borrowed a hacked PSV from a friend. Unfortunately he forgot how he the process of pirating games went and i have to figure it out on my own.
The PSV runs on firmware 3.60 and has molucarShell, Vitamin and Vitashell on it. I’ve been trying to figure it out while looking at the guides but i think the software is a bit outdated (Vitashell is version 1.41).
So should I update vitashell and co ? If so, how ? Or would there be no big difference anyway ?
Also, is there a easy way to find out if NoNpDrm, NoPayStation and PKGj are already installed or not ?
Any kind of advice would be really appreciated, since I’m a total noob when it comes to stuff like that.
It wouldn’t hurt to upgrade Vitashell, download the vpk file from github, transfer it to your PSTV, and you can then use Vitashell to install the newest copy you just transfer over. Since you are on 3.60, do you have ENSO installed? The link for ENSO and Vitashell is located here on my page (https://psvitamod.com/install-enso-on-firmware-3-60/). If you don’t see the icon for PKGj then you don’t have it. You can see what hacks are installed by going into the config.txt file in your tai folder (this is in Vitashell). It will probably be in ux0, but could also be in ur0.
first of all thanks for the reply.
When you mention PSTV you mean that one ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_TV
Do i need one in order to install the new verrsion of Vitashell on my PSV ?
Or do I just need to transfer the file you mentioned onto my vita and the run it via Vitashell ? If so no need to delete the old version of it ?
Also I don’t think the Vita has Enso installed yet, since every restart of the system requires to run Henkaku again.
Sorry for the stupid questions and thanks again.
Sorry I misread your first comment, I thought you said you have a PSTV, but you said PSV. You just need to transfer the vitashell.vpk file to your Vita and install it in Vitashell. No need to delete the older version of Vitashell because the vpk file will update it. So update Vitashell and then install ENSO. Once those two are done you choose which hacks you want to install next.
Hi CFWConsoles,
Here’s my situation, my ps vita firmware is 3.67, with installed h-encore, sd2vita, etc. (for your info, I’m not the one that installed h-encore and setup sd2vita, etc, I just requested a service from a pro of a certain store to hack my vita, so basically, I don’t have any knowledge in hacking vita, sorry for that). I tried installing games using PGKj v0.54, every thing works fine until I tried installing games that requires higher firmware like 3.68 or 3.69.
I can download and install games that requires higher firmware but the problem is, I get the error “C2-12828-1”.
I tried installing the 0syscall6 plugin, which supposedly bypass firmware check so that I can run games which require higher firmware even though my vita is on lower firmware. But, I still get the error “C2-12828-1” when running the game.
I’m starting make up my mind to upgrade my firmware, but based from most of your comments, it is not recommended to upgrade further the firmware.
Is there any other way to solve this problem without ruining the already installed h-encore of my vita? I am hoping for your utmost kindness to help me Sir.
So you could play games that require 3.67 or lower? What does your config.txt in your tai folder look like?
Hi, Thank you for your response. It looks just like this.
# For users plugins, you must refresh taiHEN from HENkaku Settings for
# changes to take place.
# For kernel plugins, you must reboot for changes to take place.
# henkaku.skprx is hard-coded to load and is not listed here
# main is a special titleid for SceShell
# this is for modifying the version string
# this is for modifying the version string in settings widget
I hope that you could help me out. Thank you so much in advance.
Well everything is in the right place and doesn’t look to be any misspelling. I have some additional questions then that might help:
1)Do you have a tai folder in ux0?
2)Do you have reFood in your tai folder?
3)Do you use all those hacks under *ALL, this can cause compatiablility issues.
Hi CFWconsoles,
Thank you for taking up my concern. As for your questions, kindly view the items below:
1. Yes, I have tai folder in ux0.
2. As I check the tai folder in ux0, there’s no ref00d. I also check the tai folder in ur0 and no ref00d also.
3. Since those plugins under *ALL were installed, I can’t say that I am not using those (should I uninstall them?). I also double checked the tai holder in ux0 and it does not have a config.txt (I don’t know if this might cause system issues).
Ok so you have a tai folder in ux0, is your config.txt also in the ux0? This is an issue because everything in your config.txt is referring to your tai folder in ur0. Whereever the config.txt file you copy and pasted is, put that in your ur0 tai folder and make sure all the hacks are in the ur0 tai folder. Then delete the ux0 tai folder.
Is it true that you can’t activate your console or download playstation store stuff from firmware 3.60. I’m gonna get a vita soon, so I would like to know should go for 3.60 firmware or 3.65. I hear compatibly and ease of installation is better on 3.60. I hope to hear from you soon. Cheers
Yes, it should still be possible as long as you spoof your firmware.
Hi, I’m looking to switch things up and would like to factory restore everything I’ve done with the vita in order to resell it. Is it as simple as doing it from the vita itself, or are there steps to take so it doesn’t brick or anything like that? I hope to hear from you soon, thank you!
Yes, a factory reset on the Vita would work. However, before doing that ,if you have ENSO installed, you should uninstall before the factory reset and I think unlinking your memory card as well.
i have a ps vita 2K with OFW 3.65 . can i h-encore and enso and install auto plugin ( and use sd2vita ) ?
Yes, but just to be safe make sure you are blocking the update notfications, see my guide here: https://psvitamod.com/block-update-notifications/
Afterwards, install H-encore here: https://psvitamod.com/h-encore/
I bought a psvita and it runs on fw3.72 and i am completely new to hacking i managed to install hencore 2 and vita shell by watching you tube tutorials… What is the next thing i should do?? How to use a sd2vita?
The next thing is to use Moduro 2.0 to downgrade the Vita to 3.60 or 3.65 so you can install Enso and Henkaku on it.
Hi friend. I play online everyday and can access my trophies on my psvita on 3.60 but a couple of hours ago I can’t access the store or my tropies, I keep getting the update message and the code NP-2066-4. I tried changing the DNS and the spoofed version on Henkaku but the problem persists. How can I fix this issue?
The only thing I did today was changing the avatar of my ps account on my ps4.
I would try to start your vita in airplane mode and then try the DNS trick. Also open up Vitashell and see if you have a PSP2UPDATE in ud0, and if you do delete it.
I didn’t know you couldn’t downgrade ps vita 3.71 so im now stuck on error c1-6562-9 anyway to fix?
Can you turn your Vita on, since you are on 3.71 you have to launch Hencore everytime you shut off your Vita.
I am a new ps vita member and my ps vita firmware is 3.70,so can i still get henkaku and if i reboot my ps vita will the games that i installed still be there?
As long as you can still get into the PSN store then you can install Trinity to hack your Vita on 3.70.
i just got my Henkaku’d 3.60 ps vita and I am loving it.
You guys are awesome!!
I got me a lot of games working, including the retroarch with skins
Thing is, I want to use a sd2vita but when I do the steps and I restart I loose my vitashell and all my other games eventhough I copied everything to the sd. So, it’s there but it cannot be found.
Can you help?
Did you enable show hidden folders and uncheck “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)” option?
Love the website and guides has been very helpful.
Just wondering if there is a way to remove or disable system apps such as near, calendar, welcome park etc?
Thank you for using my site! Unfortunately, the default apps that come with the Vita are not removable. I put them all into 2 bubbles and leave them in the bottom pages.
I have a 2k system that I purchased with H-encore already on it and it uses SD2vita… my question is if I can take out the SD2vita so I can play games I physically own? Or is there some way to move the SD2vita stuff to an official memory card and leave the game slot empty so that I can still play my physical copies?
The one downside of sd2vita is that physical games becomes really inconvenient. You can take out the sd2vita and play the physical and the Vita would then store the save on your internal memory or Sony memory card. To moved everything from your sd2vita to your sony memory card, assuming your Sony memory card is big enough, plug your microsd card into your pc and follow steps 1 to 3 on my sd2vita guide here: https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/. You are basically copying and pasting everything from one card to another. Seems pointless to have a sd2vita though if you want to go that route.
That’s what I wasn’t sure of. I bought the system already modded so I didn’t know what I could and couldn’t do. I modded my 3ds and can still do physical carts when I want to, was curious if vita was similar. Thought I was saving myself a few steps buying a system already modded but I realize now that I don’t really know it’s full capabilities. Lol if I ever do decide to play physical carts do I need to do anything special before removing and replacing the SD2vita? Will the system already know to save to the Sony memory card when SD2vita is out?
Hello CFWConsoles!
First of all, I want to say a huge thank you for your guides, they’re awesome.
I’ve just bought a Vita. Current setup:
– SYSTEM: Vita Slim (PCH-2016)
– FW: 3.68
– CFW: H-Encore
– SD: 128GB SD2Vita with VitaShell, PKGj and some homebrews / games installed
Everything is working fine, though I want to change the PSN user associated to the system (to mine instead of the previous owner’s account). Is there any method without reformatting / clearing the hacks and games already installed? (I’ve spent a lot of time setting up emulators and games…)
Thank you in anticipation!
Yes, there is an app called SimpleAccountSwitcher that allows you to do that. Since you don’t have ENSO I believe you have to delete your id.dat by clicking on unlink memory card in Henkaku settings before running that app.
Thank you. There’s a warning in the official SAS documentation:
“DO NOT USE WITH SD2Vita/PSVSD (on ux0) IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ENSO! it WILL ask you to format your memory card upon reboot! if you MUST switch accounts. you can manually remove /id.dat from the REAL memory card/internal storage.”
I just wanted to doublecheck this and I do not see the id.dat file in any drives. In my case, does “The REAL memory card/internal storage” mean the the slim’s built-in 1GB storage? (I’m pretty noob in the vita cfw scene, so I don’t know which letter represents which drives.)
Yes, the step where I told you to unlink the memory card in Henkaku Settings will delete the id.dat. You can tell if your sd2vita is on ux0 if you have a tai folder in ux0. The real memory card is the Sony Memory Card and internal storage is the built in 1GB storage.
I have a tai folder on ux0 (1.5 GB in size) which is empty – and also a tai folder on ur0 (120 GB in size) which has some files like config.txt, henkaku_config.bin and some others with *.skprx extension.
So, is it safe to move on? Is there anything which I should backup?
Sorry, the other way around:
ur0 – 1.5 GB in size, tai folder is full
ux0 – 120 GB in size, tai folder is empty
If you have a tai folder in both then the Vita is running off of ux0. You can move all the files in your ux0:tai folder to the ur0:tai folder and then change the config.txt in the ur0:tai folder to ur0:tai. Afterwards, you can delete the ux0:tai folder.
i really hope you can help me with this. so i jail broke my vita (enso 3.60) with no issues. but after a few weeks i got a sd2 vita . so yesterday i tried to install it through auto plugin in. and im not sure what went wrong but every time i tried to open any type of file explore app i get the error c2 12828-1 save core file succeeded. i have tried everything from re installing henkaku over and over to formatting my memory card, installing vitashell from qcma, ive tried everything and i cant get a file explore to open. any help would be awesome.
What is the name of the programs that are you giving you that error? Did you installed sd2vita correctly, do you see your microsd size in Vitashell or content manager?
vita shell and molecular are the apps giving me the errors and i do not think i installed sd2vita correctly and thats why im getting all these errors. but i cant tell if i installed it correctly because i cant get the apps to open. ive formatted and restored everything and still nothing
It doesn’t sound like you have ENSO installed, what kind of Vita do you have? When you first hacked your Vita were you using a Sony Memory card?
I have the original fat version and yes I was using the orginal memory card. Is there anyway I could install enso through qcma ? Since I cant get vita shell or molecular shell to open to reinstall it.
When you go into your Settings/System Information, do you see two Japanese characters next to your System Software? Also when you boot up your Vita do you see the ENSO boot logo instead of the Sony logo? Does all these errors still occur when you remove the sd2vita adapter and just run off your official Sony memory card?
Yeah i have the two Japanese characters next to 3.60 and i still have the enso logo on boot and i also tried to do everything with just the sony memory card in
Then it does sound like you have ENSO installed, I would delete the Vitashell and molecularshell and then reinstall Molecularshell through the HEnkaku website.
unfortunately ive tried that multiple times and vitashell and molecular still wont open.
Hmmm this is a tough one, so to recap: Everything worked until you started using autoplugin, which step in installing the sd2vita did you noticed the error? I want you to try turning off the Vita, hold L, and then turn on the Vita. See if Vitashell will work then, if not try reinstalling from the Henkaku website again.
correct everything worked fine until i tried to install sd2vita and i dont remeber witch step i realized something was wrong i just realized all of a sudden that i couldn’t open vita shell or another apps like that. and i just tried holding L on startup and its the same error. im really at a loss on this one
do you know of a way to install the enso bubble from qcma instead of through a vpk install? i think if i can just get the enso bubble on here and reinstall it, it would fix it
Even if you did, can’t install anything without Vitashell or molecularshell. Last thing I would try is to reboot into safe mode and rebuild the database.
you cant just use autoplugin right away for your sd2vita, you need a pc a program called win32diskmanager with zzblank.img then format it, then open vita shell copy everything from your original memory card, dont forget to show all hidden files including in the folder options (hide protect operating system files) (recommended) once everything done, then you can use the autoplug to install sd2vita. use sd2vita as ux0 delete the folder ux0/tai thats it you can now use your sd card as your main card
Thanks for the input and help! I assume Jesse already did these steps if he was following my guide.
I just want to ask if it is possible to install H-Encore on vita 3.65 without official Sony SD card to save some money? For example with the SD2Vita? I guess not since in order to use the SD2 Vita you need to have it hacked first right?
Thank you for all the help and support!!!
I assume you are on the 1000 series or the “phat” Vita which has no internal memory. Unfortunately your assumption are correct because you have to install H-Encore somewhere.
Hey, I have purchased an already-hacked PS vita, it is on firmware v. 3.65, it came all themed up and included some installed games and apps, but the microSD was only 64gb. I have a 400gb microSD, and I’d love to use it instead of the 64gb one lol. I’ve tried looking online and haven’t come across anything like my situation. Do you think you could help explain what I should do? All I want is to take everything that’s on my PS Vita (and the 64gb microSD), and transfer it all to my 400gb microSD and use it instead. Maybe there is a tutorial for this and I just haven’t found it? Anyways, thanks and I hope there is an easy explanation and that I am able to do this!
Sure thing, I would start at my guide here (https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/) and do steps 5 – 8. For step 8, you are just transferring everything in your 64BG microsd card to your 400 one. Don’t forget to enable view hidden folders when you do the transfer (see step 2 to do that).
Was wondering if anyone can help me out!! So I have a ps vita with version 3.63 never updated but I made the mistake of leaving it on for the automatic update downloaded..I didn’t install it through yet..but when I tried hacking the vita as show in many hacks via YouTube..it prompts me saying download version complete when I adjust my network settings and try to update via WiFi ..does anyone have any ideas wondering what I should do now
Do you know which update it downloaded, because if it is 3.70 worst case is to update to 3.70 and then downgrade (but you must do this quickly as the new firmware 3.71 is out). However, if it is 3.71 do not update it.
Well that’s the thing I was about to go forward and update and noticed it was 3.71 which is the new update that prohibits some of the new jail brakes..now totally stuck on which I should do now
Can you delete the update in your bubble notification on the top right corner? I believe you can still transfer the 3.65 update manually to your Vita by QCMA and going into airplane mode. You can get the 3.65 update here (https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/update365/releases/download/v1.0/PSP2UPDAT.PUP). See Step 1 here (https://psvitamod.com/h-encore/) on how to install QCMA. Let me know if you still have questions.
ok great download complete….everything seems to be working but i still am yet to download a firmware….should i update it to the 3.65 like you said or go higher to like a 3.68…whats your opinion
I would update it to 3.65 so you can still install Enso on it and not have to install Henakaku every time you shut down the Vita.
also wondering where i can find roms to download…which websites do u recommend? for snes nes sega etc….
For everything not from nopaystation, I would see if it is on reddit such as googling SNES roms reddit.
Yessir…but only the retro arch is working not adrenaline just keeps crashing saying error occurred…so maybe what ur talking about..ok so to avoid any problems install 3.65 do u have a guide on how too??
Just to confirm, when you go to system information under Settings you see 3.63? IF so, how did you install Henkaku and Vitashell? Unfortunately, I don’t have a guide to update to 3.65 because I only do guides on hacks I did myself. The only time you would need to update to 3.65 is if you are on 3.61 or 3.63, which is a rare situation and I never had a Vita on those firmwares.
Which is the best way to update to 3.65 than Enso..also I have already installed henkaku…and installed the vita shell, retro arch and adrenaline..will I lose all this and need to re install?
What firmware are you currently on to install all those, if you are on 3.60 then just stay there.
3.63 firmware
Are you sure about that because you can’t install all those apps you mentioned while on 3.63.
Yessir…so I actually I’m looking at it now..it is at 3.63 with the Chinese symbol next to it..which means of course it’s hacked and i can run retroarch…I did shut the system down and see what would happen…everything stayed all I need to do is run h encore and that was pretty much it..put I do know adrenaline isn’t running error message keeps coming up…I guess I’m going to look up updating and check out what happens..but it is weird that it’s working
Didn’t you already download the 3.65 firmware, you can transfer that to your Vita through QCMA or Vitashell if that works for you. I like this channel, quick and to the point about how to Update Firmware with QCMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=68&v=QbF3zUcDnHY
Negative never updated!! Going to try…but I did try this after with tech savvy YouTube post and it didn’t work!! Will try this one and see what happens
is there a way i can still play physical games with sd2vita? like if i get a small official card and leave it in the official memory card slot will it work if i take out the adapter out of the game slot and replace it with an official physical game?
No, the microSD card can only go in the game slot. The memory card slot can only read the Sony memory card. You have two solutions, get a digital copy of your games from NoPayStation or pkgj or rip the contents of your physicial game. The first option is the easier one and you can see my guides on how to do that.
I installed PKGI on my vita but cant download any games. My Firmware is on 3.70 . Will they make PKGi run on 3.70 in the future? I have been waiting for them to update the PKGi
No, most hacks are not compatible on 3.70. Trinity is just so you can downgrade your Vita to a compatible firmware, best to be on 3.60 or 3.65.
I have followed the pkgj guide and sdtovita guide, why does the thing “GPU Driver detects GPU crash” appeared?
Where do you have your tai folder?
hello i just recently got a vita that was on firmware 3.70 and as i was following your guide i slammed into a wall with “Step 6: Use Command Prompt to Decrypt Game.” as my cmd prompt when i put this
“C:\Users\XXXXX>cd”C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\PS Vita\PGAME\XXXXXXXXXXXXXX\NPUG80318″ ”
into command prompt it always without fail says
“The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”
anything you know that can help me out of this stump my guy
Hmm first thing I notice in your cmd, is there a space between the cd and “C:/…..” Also is the PSP game really in that file location you have in the cmd?
OK, thank you i missed the space everytime I tried it and when I run it with the space and everything worked fine thank you for the response
Can i use NoNpDrm to download games on my pc then transfer to my ps vita system even with version 3.70 ?
It might not be compatible on 3.70 or you might encounter issues. Trinity is just so you could downgrade the Vita to a firmware that supports all the hacks.
Hey m8,
Ive done something but I don’t know what. Its similar to other problems out there but its a lil different so I can’t find a fix. I tried downgrading. It didn’t work. Then I turned off my Vita and now getting error C1-6775-5 on everything so yeh don’t know how to fix. They say reinstall Henkaku in the browser but it doesn’t do it on 3.70 so yeh I’ve seen people with this problem but none have 3.70. So I’ve tried a few things but no go. So should I maybe format the sd card? Try redoing Trinity? That seems like all thats left to do but if it stuffs up more but tbh I dunno how much crapper it can get. Nothing works. Anyway I’ll probably try reinstalling Trinity via wiping the sd card before u reply so yeh I’ll edit and add how I went I suppose. It was only hacked for an hour. I was enjoying the hell out of it but no one in these install hack vids said don’t turn it off!!!!!!! I didn’t know u couldn’t. Jeez. Really annoyed. Can’t believe theres nothing on this too.
So what happened when you try to downgrade, which step did you get stuck on? The henkaku hack is not permanent without installing ENSO, so when you restart or turn off your vita you have to launch trinity again to install Henkaku.
Good Day Sir ! I’m just wondering , when will you post a guide for installing enso on FW 3.65
I prefer to follow your guides since they are the most intuitive among others I’ve seen.
( would’nt want to brick my baby )
Thank You for all the wonderful guides
Thank you so much for your support, if you still need it the guide to install ENSO on 3.65 is here (https://psvitamod.com/install-enso-on-firmware-3-65/). Sorry it took so long, I had to downgrade one of my Vita to 3.65 in order to make the guide.
Hello, I am considering buying a ps vita but I don’t want to get those pricey vita memory card and just get the sd2vita and a 128gigs microsd. Is an official memory card required to hack and essentially use the sd2vita or can I do everything using the inbuilt storage of Vita slim ? Also, is it possible to store and access game pkg and save from the sd2vita card ?
If you have the slim version with the 1 GB internal memory then no you don’t need the expensive Sony memory card. The sd2vita is essentially taking the place of the Sony memory card, there are no limitations to sd2vita compared to the Sony card EXPECT that you can’t really play physical games. This is because sd2vita has to be inserted in the gameslot.
Hi, I’m about to buy a ps vita. Is there anything I should do first so everything else will be great? Thank you!
Well, since all Vitas can be hack I would not pay more for those that are said to be on a lower firmware. The easiest Vita to hack are those on 3.60 but still not worth paying extra for. I would only pay more for a brand new Vita or an unique color one. Other than that, I would just check to see if everything works on the Vita (can it charge, does WiFi work, do you hear sound, open a few apps and use the shoulder buttons to switch in between the apps just to test the shoulder buttons, also play the Welcome Park app to make sure the button and camera works. These are the things I checked for when I buy a Vita locally.
Thank you for getting back to me, I appreciate it!
Feel free to ask more questions about the Vita!
Thank you! It arrives today, so I’ll be able to check what version it is and then I’ll start from your guide and then go from there. Thank you again.
Thank you! Do you have way to play pc games on the vita that have already been purchased? For instance, I bought a game called Hades from epic games and am not sure how I can get Epic games launcher on the Vita. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I don’t know about Epic games launcher but if your PC has a Nvidia GPU, then you can install Moonlight and that can stream PC games to the Vita.
Thank you for all your help. One last question for a while that might be kinda silly: is there a way to make an intel graphics card mirror a nvidia one, or something similar to moonlight for an intel? Thank you!
Don’t think so because you need to use the NVIDIA GameStream, which only NVIDIA graphics card can use, at least that is my understanding of why it has to be NVIDIA.
hello, i want to ask, do i need to update my vita to 3.65 (mine is 3.60) to play nonpdrm game? i try to install no pay station games, but failed
No, you can stay on 3.60. Were you able to install the game and get a bubble in your home screen? Older firmware need to download compatability packs or use the reF00D plugin to play newer games.
If I use a micro sd card via adapter to use as my main storage for my ps vita can I still use my psn account to download games off the psn store?
Yes, as long as you spoof your Vita to 3.70 you should be able to use your PSN normally like you never hacked it.
I have vita with 32 gb sdcae and i
t to change it to 138 gb
Format your new SD card and transfer everything on your old SD card to your bigger one. See steps 1 through 8 on https://psvitamod.com/sd2vita/ (skip Step 4).
Forgive me I am noob!! I just bought a vita it has 3.69 firmware, so does that me I cannot install H-Encore? I want to be able to remote play using my ps4 controller. I have tried but I had to make an another account and sign in as player 2. I would love to be able to play PS One games and other cool games, but it sounds like I can’t since I have 3.69 firmware. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Gregory,
The only good news I see here is that you just brought your Vita recently so I would try to return it. If you want to hack your Vita, your best bet is to find a Vita on 3.68 or lower. Otherwise you can’t hack it. Good luck, I know this isn’t really the news you wanted to hear.
I have a question …
is ps vita , after H-Encore region free…like will i be able to play games from any region … If i am using NPS Browser as a source …??
Yes the games are region free, but if you have updates or DLCs those has to be the same region as the game.
Hi? How can i easily play iso games e.g need for speed and others on my vita by transferring them to pspemu/games/psp/iso without having any problem because the adrenaline always says corrupted file and it won’t even show any iso game like it shlould other than saying corrupt file, kindly assist me!
That depends on your setup, is the pspemu/games/psp/iso on the ux0 or the uma0. Whichever folder you put it in, make sure that adreanline is reading from the correct memory card. Go into adrenaline and launch the adrenaline menu by holding the Home button. Go to Settings and go down to memory stick location, you have to change it to where your roms are being stored.
we need adrenaline noob guide after the h-encore
You’re right, I wished I was able to get it done sooner but it is coming!Completed and located here: https://psvitamod.com/emulators/